Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sammy Who Blunders in Front of Attractive Male Celebrities

I know, I know. The word celebrity always sparks a good deal of interests in us all but unfortunately friend, before I discuss this week's moniker, I'm going to make you listen to my blabbing on more mundane topics. Cruel, it's true. But you know what they say: my silly blog means my silly rules. This week actually had a rather stressful beginning. But let's go about a month and a half back so you understand the full context.

A conversation with my bank:
Me: Hi TD Bank, I'm going abroad! So excited! Here are the specific dates that you needed and everything else so that I can still spend money overseas. I'm literally doing everything just as you requested!
TD Bank: Wow, cool Sammy! No worries, everything is all set so you go spend moolah and keep pretending that your bank account isn't the most pathetic thing we've every seen. Honestly, who wastes that much money at Starbucks?
Me: Perfect!

Well, let's just say that TD Bank was being a little untrue about their feelings. Apparently, they were not happy when I was spending money abroad and on a random Sunday, I had the joy of discovering that my once wonderful debit card was a canceled piece of useless plastic. The worst part was how I discovered this. I was in a adorable clothing store and I had found something amazing. It was a 3/4 sleeve leopard dress:
And yes, it was on sale with a additional student discount making it an unheard of 5 pounds. Life is cruel sometimes. I was at the cash register thinking of the adorable turquoise/leopard pairings that I would be making when I heard those fateful words: "Your card doesn't seem to be working". I don't want to seem materialistic and say that I was crushed but for those of you that would judge me, skip the next sentence. I was crushed. 

This is where we move from my pampered complaining to a more important life lesson. Here I was abroad with no source of money so I did what any adult does. I called my parents. My poor father had to listen to my blubbering, intermixed with profuse swearing, while we worked things out with the bank. There was no apparent reason why my card was cancelled and additionally, my parents had to pay for overnight shipping to have my new card reach me. Oh the pleasures of finance. As you can imagine, I was quite the wretch to deal with. But moments like this teach us important lessons about ourselves. I had been holding myself in such high esteem, praising myself with how adult I was becoming. This event reminded me that I still have quite a lot of growing up to do. Fortunately, I was able to escape my pit of self-loathing in no time but it was a good check for me. Even if I don't have money, I am still in a fantastic city and quite frankly, being troubled about something like this is ridiculous. Who needs plastic when you have castles? Who needs a leopard print dress when you have Edinburgh (okay, this one was a little harder to write)? Sometimes the little bumps we face help us remember how fortunate we really are. I like to view them as little chances to see yourself more objectively. I did eventually get my card but I refuse to forget the lesson I learned from its absence. 

Alright, alright. I know what you're thinking. You want me to stop getting all Dear Diary on you and start talking about my title for this week. Fair enough. So, you may have heard of James McAvoy. He played Mr. Tumnus in Narnia, Charles Xavier in X-Men First Class and Robbie in Atonement. He's adorable and has been a heartthrob of mine ever since I saw him in his scarfed satyr form in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Some pictures to remind you: 
Oh he's a fox alright and he comes compete with a thick, Scottish accent. Well, he's filming a new thriller entitled Filth here at Grassmarket in Edinburgh. Grassmarket is a cluster of delicious restaurants, pubs and shops that tends to be the site of  August musical festivals. My friends and I heard he was filming through the wonders of social media and decided to try our luck and see if he was there. Lady Luck, after being malicious, changed her tune. There he was in all his Scottish glory and we were actually able to watch scenes from the film being made. After standing like creepy fans for at least half an hour, James took a break and we awkwardly approached him. I had a notebook prepared for him to sign (thank God he didn't see the cover as it's comprised of cat pictures) and I began to do what I thought was talking. In reality, it was social blundering. You know, the type that you don't want to look away but part of you wants to see how bad the crash will be? I'm pretty sure I referred to myself as creepy to apologize for us standing around for so long but I've tried to forget most of the idiotic things that came out of my mouth. However, he was very pleasant, telling me it was fine and even took a picture with us. Thank you James McAvoy for understanding what your good looks do to my cognitive capabilities.  
Here's the proof and yes, he really is that short but he was wearing a fantastic pea coat. After meeting him Emma, Jessie and I all went to a late lunch which consisted of baffled discussion and euphoric amazement. At one point, I'm pretty sure all three of us were just smiling off into space. I'm not one to get wrapped up in celebrity life, but when they happen to be handsome, Scottish men with successful film careers, I find myself more easily swooned. By swooned, I mean babbling in fan-girl excitement like a thirteen year old at a backstreet boys concert in the 90's. At least my taste in men has improved since those days. 

As exciting as this was, March is going to be a very fun month indeed. This upcoming week, I am visiting my wonderful friend Sydney at St. Andrew's and then going with my other fabulous friend, Molly, to Aberdeen. In March, I have two friends visiting me and I'll get to spend St. Patrick's Day in the mecca of it all. Yes, that's right. I'm going to be in Dublin on the 17th, adorned in green worthy of the revelry. More to come and hopefully my memory card for my camera will get shipped in at some point so I can actually take some photos! 


  1. Really, James MacAvoy? He's like... 5'2"... look forward to your package!!! You better take pictures and post about it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What's a little babbling to a gorgeous film star - YOU GOT TO MEET HIM . . . AND GET YOU PICTURE TAKEN WITH HIM!!!! Yeah!!! BTW - Pepe's family was from Dublin. Just near there is Kingsland, Ireland :-)
    Aunt Mary

  4. I'M IN YOUR BLOG!! My life is complete. xx
