Friday, January 13, 2012

Sammy the Boarding Pass Wielder

     The phrase "Whit's fur ye'll no go past ye" is an old Scottish saying that basically translates as "If it's meant to happen, it will happen", a sort of softened fatalistic approach to the everyday experience. Personally, I'm the type of individual who gets fixated on a mantra, humming it in my head like most people do a tune. This particular saying caught my eye and I've adopted it as the center to my experience abroad. I plan to throw myself into whatever haggis-filled, cobble-stoned or bagpipe-playing adventure comes my way in Edinburgh, especially the ones that err on the side of fantastical. 
     It's with this whimsical attitude that I await to board my plane in the not so whimsical Logan terminal, specifically A14. My fellow travelers seem much more weathered than I am, seeing as this is the first time I have ever been through airport security by myself. Current problems stewing on the back-burner of my mind include the numerous American electronics I have and all the converters I lack, the ever-growing cumulus clouds around Boston and the trepidation of being away from all that I know for the first time. However, have no fear!
    I, dubbed previously as over-planning and endlessly-worrying, am going to adopt a devil may care attitude towards this voyage and change my moniker from Sammy the nail-bitter into something worthy of the most brutish Highlander. But true to moniker tradition, I will have to wait to see what challenges are surmounted or experiences had before I take on any new titles. Today, it is Sammy the Boarding Pass Wielder, as I confidently and flawlessly tucked away, zipped up, pulled out and presented every document asked of me, occasionally even making comical quips. I hope that my titles will become more prestigious or courageous as time goes on but as a new adventurer, today's sits just fine with me. So, with a final wave to my beloved American shore, I'm off for a quick layover in Amsterdam and finally, the embraces of Edinburgh and adventure. 


  1. Oh, you know I'll be the first person to comment.

  2. Have a glorious time. Things are crazy here. You will love about 70% of it, and hate 30% a lot. Eat bunches. Talk to people. Stay in your apartment and dream. Get fat. Make friends with your dorm mates. Make friends with randos. Take many pictures. Enjoy yourself. Have tea. Have coffee. Learn about yourself.

  3. Andrew LJ is trying to leave a comment on your blog, but can't figure it out. I do know you are in love with him-- you really are. You think he's handsome, and charming, and terribly British, and you'd run away in a minute. Be nice to him-- he messed up his shins or something.

  4. Have an amazing time pooface! Find a bunch of cool places to show me when I get there! congratulations for not having a panic attack in the airport :P

  5. Oh Sammy the unprepared - be brave! Love you and your blog
